Sunday, March 29, 2020

Kaitlyn Tutoring Offers High Quality Grades For All Of Her Students

Kaitlyn Tutoring Offers High Quality Grades For All Of Her StudentsKaitlyn Tutoring comes with a variety of different programs and assignments to assist students to achieve high grades in their classes. Students with trouble finishing assignments or tests are able to work with the teacher to come up with a better way to handle the assignment. She is able to help her students by identifying what they did well on the test and what they needed to improve on. She will help to teach her students to understand what they are doing wrong and how to fix that problem.Kaitlyn Tutoring can help make sure that each student is ready for any type of test or assignment. She will teach each of her students a variety of skills and help them achieve their goals for the class. She will help students to learn, solve problems, and write papers or take tests correctly. She will prepare her students for these tasks and show them how to study properly.Kaitlyn Tutoring is highly motivated and is a passionate person when it comes to helping students to achieve their goals and objectives in their classes. She is able to work with the other teachers in the school as well as her students to help them succeed. This is because she has all of the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive difference in her students lives.Kaitlyn Tutoring also works on making sure that each student has all of the materials they need to successfully complete the assignments and tests they will be given in their classes. This is important because this will ensure that they are able to do well in their classes. In order to do well in their classes, students must have the right information and tools they need to accomplish their goals.They are also going to be involved in helping students and helping them in their class to achieve their goals and objectives. They are going to help them be able to follow directions and set goals. By having the right goals and directions, students will be more focused and motivat ed to perform well in their class.Students are able to excel in the subject that they are learning and Kaitlyn Tutoring is going to help them do this. She is going to help students improve their understanding of their area of study. She is going to help students feel confident in their ability to learn and to advance in their studies.Kaitlyn Tutoring is going to make sure that all of her students are performing at a higher level. This is important because students are able to get better grades by being able to get higher scores on their exams. With high grades they are able to be accepted into better programs.Students are also going to have a greater chance of being accepted into college by completing the course requirements. With better grades, students are more likely to get into better programs for higher education. Kaitlyn Tutoring can help her students get through the tough times that they may encounter in their school years.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips to Write a Unique Personal Statement

5 Tips to Write a Unique Personal Statement 5 tips to write a unique personal statement High school seniors are busy writing their personal statements for their college applications. In fact, most college applications are either due November 1 or December 1, so its important that students get this finished straightaway. One thing students find challenging year after year is how to write a unique and original personal statement. College admissions officers read thousands of personal statements every year so its important that an individual can display themselves as a unique contributing member of that academic community. Many students simply dont know where to get started and that can make the college admissions process more stressful than ever. However, there are some things students can do to get started and get rid of that writer’s block and reach their college dreams our Orange County college admissions consultants are here to help you get into your dream college. 1.     Be real Its so important that a student is true to themselves when writing their statement and that they project who they truly are on the inside. What admissions officers want is to learn about the person who can contribute greatly to a diverse educational environment. One way students can do this is to sit down at their laptop or with a pencil and paper and just write about themselves. They can talk about what they love, what they dont love, where they want to be in 10 years, what they do in their free time, and so on. They can then use this as a pre-writing exercise to help them with the specific prompt. 2. Fully answer the prompt Many students will respond to a prompt in a very general way. This is a common reaction for students who are not comfortable writing about themselves. Unfortunately, when students dont fully answer the specifics of the prompt, they prevent the reader from learning about them as a unique individual. Perhaps they volunteered at the same place as many of their classmates, but their takeaway from the situation might be very different. Its important for writers to talk about what they learned, what went well as well as what went wrong â€" and how they were able to fix it â€" as they respond to the assignment (READ: 5 ways to streamline the college application process). 3. Admitting failure is okay Many students refuse to write about something unless it had a fantastic ending. For example, perhaps they started a club at their school that only lasted a year and a half before they lost funding. Many high school students view this as a failure that they shouldnt discuss with potential colleges. However, colleges want to know how students can respond to a setback. Every university student will experience a bump in the road at some point. One of the greatest things a student can talk about is how they responded to their setback and what they learned from it. Perhaps the student can discuss what they learned about the importance of fundraising, coordination and teamwork, and perseverance. 4. Proofread every single final draft With deadlines pressing, many students want to write one cookie-cutter essay and simply change a few words to fit each university. This can be very tempting but is almost always a bad idea. Many students have accidentally left identifying information about one college on an essay that they sent to a different college. This dampens the student’s chances of success. Its imperative that students proofread every single final draft that goes to a different university or, even better, ask a family member or educator to read their final draft and look for any errors or omissions. 5. Research More often than not, a universitys website and application materials will give some great insight into what theyre looking for in their student body. If students take the time to do plenty of research, they will discover what it is about them as a unique individual that fits with what the university is looking for. When students are applying to 10 or more universities, this level of research can become exhausting, but its one of the most integral parts of the college application process. If students are indeed becoming overwhelmed, they should enlist the help of family members or an educational consultant who can help complete some of the busywork. Get into the college of your dreams with the help of our experienced Orange County admissions consultants. Our consultants have a 97% success rate! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Math Tutor in Niles, IL

Math Tutor in Niles, IL Meet our new Tutor Dilara A. She lives in Niles, IL and specializes in Elementary Math, Algebra, Calculus, ADD-ADHD, Geometry, Turkish, Test Prep: ACT Math, GMAT, SAT Math. Dilara is a certified math teacher with K-12 math endorsement. Her academic background includes a Master of Science in Mathematics Education, and Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. Dilara has 12 years teaching experience with 6-12 grade students in the classroom and have also tutored students from 1st Grade-adult. Also she  taught to the student of exceptional learners who have learning disability, ADD and ADHD. Dilara has a way of making math learning fun and enjoyable. She  has funny stories for hard formulas. Dilara does free consultation at the first lesson.  She  assigns homework after every lesson, and provides periodic assessments. After lesson, Dilara asks for feed back, and never charges for a lesson if student or parent is not completely satisfy her  tutoring. To ensure that students have a quiet and comfortable study place in which to work with Dilara, she  prefer to meet at library. However, she is  open to travel to another location if that is more convenient for students. Dilara and other Tutors at are here to help you become successful!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Is Stochiometry Definition In Chemistry?

What Is Stochiometry Definition In Chemistry?If you have been doing your chemistry for any length of time, you will probably have heard the term 'stoichiometry definition in chemistry' at some point. But it's actually much more than that. In fact, stoichiometry is defined by a definition of the actual measurement procedures that occur in chemistry. As in the case of everyday life, the word is a very complex one that has evolved over time to become very familiar to those involved in chemistry, particularly in the science of chemistry.Stoichiometry definition in chemistry may mean something very simple in the science of chemistry, but is very complex to those who are not in the business of studying chemistry. In fact, it would probably be the most difficult thing to explain to someone who is not in the business of chemistry, let alone the chemical science itself. That's why it is very important to understand the stoichiometry definition of a procedure that occurs in chemistry, no matte r how simple or complex it might seem.This is a very common scientific procedure, and is often a very basic procedure that are in practice all the time. The idea behind the definition is that a measurement is made in chemistry for a number of reasons. One of these is to determine the amount of an element or substance present in a certain substance, as well as the properties of that substance.Another common everyday procedure that occurs in chemistry is the determination of a particular element's molecular weight. For example, in chemistry, the molecular weight of carbon is measured in a variety of ways, but the easiest is by calculating the mass of carbon atoms as a function of the number of carbon atoms present in the sample.You might ask yourself, if this stoichiometry definition is so easy to understand, why is it so difficult to understand? The answer is that this is one of the most complicated things to describe in chemistry. However, if you can put yourself in the shoes of som eone who is not in the chemistry business, then you will probably be surprised at just how complex it actually is.In other words, this stoichiometry definition means something very complex and very specific. The important thing to remember is that if you are working in the chemistry business, or even in the science of chemistry, you will need to understand how this is done. You will also need to understand what the procedure involves and what exactly makes it difficult to work with. By understanding these concepts, you will be able to improve your ability to understand what you are doing.If you enjoy chemistry, or even if you just enjoy the act of taking tests, you might want to get yourself a copy of the book Chemistry Is A Fun Way To Learn More About The World. This is an excellent text by one of the top chemistry teachers in the world and will provide you with the background knowledge and equipment needed to take all of your chemistry exams for free. That's right, you can start l earning all of the chemistry questions and getting a guaranteed 'A' score with just a few bucks on your part.

Algebra 2 Log Help - How to Make It Easier For You

Algebra 2 Log Help - How to Make It Easier For YouNow, if you're looking for some more algebra 2 log help, then you've come to the right place. If you are looking for a quick and easy algebra 2 help, then I'm afraid that I can't promise that I can make your life easier. But, I can tell you that there are plenty of resources out there that you can turn to in order to make yourself smarter, which should make you want to spend some time to find something that will really help you with your algebra log help.You see, to make yourself more intelligent, you need to make some changes to your way of thinking about algebra log. In fact, I can assure you that once you make these changes, it's going to change your life forever. So here are a few of the ways that you can make this happen. Make the changes today and watch yourself become more intelligent over the coming years.In order to think in a more logical fashion, you need to understand the concept of zero, which is also called the zero poin t. And in the mathematical world, the zero point is where all the solutions to any equation are found. So if you stop and think about this for a while, you'll see that if you really have problems with math, it's not always that you're doing something wrong, but more that you're using your mind to think in a way that it's not logical.While it's true that you must understand the zero point concept, there is also a mathematical practice that needs to be put into place. If you're reading this article, then you're probably more likely a fan of statistics. Statistics is basically using data to analyze different aspects of a certain situation, such as which factors led to the situation and how much the factors contributed to the situation.In order to do this, you need to take all the data that is collected and make an analysis of it, which can be doneby using various algorithms, and then you need to collect all the relevant data that can be taken, and you need to analyze each of those thin gs. This is the most important part of what you need to do when you're taking algebra log help for mathematics.You don't need to be at the forefront of the process, but if you get yourself started, you'll find that you'll be surprised at how quickly your algebra log help will come. It's like magic.For more information on algebra log help, you can visit my website. But the best way to find the answers that you're looking for is to stop and think for a bit.

How to Tune a Drum Kit

How to Tune a Drum Kit Keep Your Drum Set in Tune! ChaptersTuning Your Snare DrumTuning Your Toms and Kick DrumTakeaways from Tuning DrumsYou may wonder: drums don’t produce any melody; what could we mean by tuning?And you would be absolutely correct: melodic instruments such as the guitar, piano, wind and brass instruments have at least a base range of notes that must complement each other.Most drums, on the other hand, are considered non-melodic â€" the only exception being kettle drums.In tuning a guitar, for example, one goes from the thickest string, usually the E, to the thinnest, listening intently for deviations from the single, expected note.Traditionally, a pitch pipe was used in tuning those instruments; these days perhaps more musicians are relying on tuning apps â€" a common complaint against pitch pipes being that the reeds would harden or collect lint when carried in the musician’s pocket.Rest assured that you will need no such device to tune your drums. All that is required is a keen ear and a firm, instinctive kn owledge of the sound you want your drums to make, one that accords to the type of music you play.Let us dive into the world of drum tuning, coming out on the other side with the ability to tune every drum in your kit.A snare drum's head tends to be coated, although you could play on an uncoated head Source: Pixabay Credit: StocksnapYou can take drum lessons here now.True, you would get a different sound, but it might not be so bad!But if you lose your snare mid-concert... well, we don’t even want to think about that! Much better you should maintain your kit properly to avoid any type of disruption in your playing, whether it is a paying gig or a jam session.What if, during your last jam, you found your snare drum sound not to your liking?Why you should rush to get your drum key straightaway!Starting with the tension rod closest to you, seat the drum key and turn it a quarter-turn, and then move to the rod positioned diametrically opposite and turn it, also just a quarter-turn.From there, you may move to the tension rod at the left of the one you started with, but always remember: as you tighten one, immediately tighten the one opposite of it the equal amount of turns (or quarter-turns).You should never travel the circumference of the drum, tightening rods as you go, and you should never tighten them more than a half-turn at a time, unless you have just replaced the drum head.Here are some amazing drum lessons for you.Finding the Tone You WantNow that you have the desired tension on the batter head, you should find the right pitch for your style of music by beating a single drumstick against the drum’s shell â€" NOT the rim or the head!The intent is to tune the heads to the drum itself; to establish a tone that is within the range of the drum’s capability.Your ear should discern the tone that the drum makes, whose pitch you will complement by tuning the head.If you have successfully reached a complementary pitch, you should then tap the drum head in front of each rod, about one inch from the rim, and listen to that sound.If it is suitably pitched, move across the drum head to sound check the corresponding rod. You may need to tighten or loosen the rod, depending on if you get a higher or lower tone than its opposite.In this way, you will ensure proper tension across the drum head while minimising overtone.If, in spite of your best efforts at tuning your snare drum you still get undesirable overtones, you may consider using a damper, drum gum or moon gel.However, damping should be a solution of last resort. Maybe you could ask a more experienced drummer or a professional instrument tech to check your work prior to applying any extra damper.Perhaps you should change the drum head altogether!Join in on the conversation: how much to budget for buying drums?Tuning the Bottom HeadThe bottom drum head, the one that provides resonance, should be tuned in much the same way as you tuned the batter head: first tap the drum shell, and then the bottom head.The pitch should be close to or equal to that of the batter head.If it varies too greatly to suit your taste, repeat the procedure used to tune the batter head on the resonant head.Note: you should mute the batter head with a towel as you tune the bottom head. Or, you could simply invert the drum onto your drum stool; it should be just about a perfect fit!The resonant head is much thinner than the batter head and should be tuned much more tightly. That means you should be cautious in tuning this head as you risk damaging it by trying to tighten it excessively.Prior to tuning your snare, you should have removed the wires. Once you have your desired pitch and tone, take a good look at your snare wires  before reinstalling them.Do they lay flat? Do see any signs of stress or cracking? Do they touch the drum head?Look for any bowing or sagging; if either one of those conditions exists, loosen or tighten incrementally.A good rule of thumb is to tighten snare wires to just unt il they stop rattling.If any snare wire looks ready to crack or if they bow even after tightening, you should replace the snare as soon as possible.That brings us to the end of simple snare drum tuning; let us now find out how to tune the rest of your kit.Also discover the different types of drums...It is not uncommon to damper bass drums with a pillow or blanket Source: Pixabay Credit: Marian JavslovskyTuning Your Toms and Kick DrumIn essence, tuning your toms and bass drum is not so different than tuning your snare; the process is the same but the procedure is reversed.You will be tuning to the body of the drum rather than to your desired sound.You will tune the resonant head first rather than the batter headYou will use a drumstick to tap the bass drum’s shell even though that drum is beat with a malletYou may  start with your smaller tom, tapping the side of the drum while listening intently for the pitch the drum should make â€" a bit lower than the snare, a bit higher than t he next tom.With the drum inverted â€" resonant side up, repeat the procedure used on your snare drum for tightening the rods until you hit the desired tone.You are looking for a smooth, single tone, hopefully with no overtone. Resonance should be as deep and long as required for the style of music you play.Once you’ve found that tone, upturn the drum and repeat the steps for tuning the batter head.What are the best drum kits on the market?Tuning both heads to the same pitch will give you a very resonant sound; however, if your top head is tuned to a higher pitch than your lower head, you will get a very constant sound with little resonance.How your drums should sound is really up to you. What type of music you play and the environment you play in all impact what pitch your drums should be tuned to.For example, if you are playing in a recording studio, you will definitely want less resonance and definitely no overtone.Some instrument techs advocate tuning the smaller tom first and progressing to the deeper-toned drums, all the way to the bass.However, the order you tune your drums is subjective. Some prefer going from snare through the sizes to the kick drum.Others will tune the snare and bass first, and then fit the toms in along the range of tones the other two have created.They also caution that tuning these drums is a lengthy procedure and they suggest making yourself comfortable!Perhaps you could place your drum on some sort of turntable; even a swivelling office chair would do... unless you are willing to crawl around on the floor, circling your drums.What are the best drum sticks for your style of playing?You would definitely want more resonance when playing drums in concert than in a studio Source: Pixabay Credit: Nadine_EmTakeaways from Tuning DrumsAccording to James G, songwriter and performer at Music Go ‘Round, a percussionist should tune his kit:When installing new drum headsafter transporting or moving a drum setafter a change in temperatureo r going from one humidity/temperature to another â€" say, from a lorry to an air-conditioned environmentfine-tune every time before you play the drumsat the very least, check to see that they are in tune!How your drum sounds is entirely up to you and depends largely on the music you play and where you play it.Jazz percussion differs vastly from drumming in a rock band, for example the difference in heads and resonance are just two factors that distinguish those styles of drumming.And, you would need thicker cymbals for a rock jam!Likewise, you would want less resonance in a studio environment than you would in concert, so you would work with the sound engineer to dampen each drumhead so that your kit sounds good without sacrificing quality.Now that you’ve got all that down, it is time to play on!Now find out things you might never have known about the drums!

How to Make Yourself Irresistible to Employers and Hiring Managers - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Make Yourself Irresistible to Employers and Hiring Managers - Introvert Whisperer How to Make Yourself Irresistible to Employers and Hiring Managers What makes a candidate irresistible to most, if not all, hiring managers? Answers may vary. Nevertheless, some of those preferred characteristics are undeniably the same for everyone. Let’s get into the mind of employers and hiring managers to figure out which “top qualities” they are all desperate for in a potential candidate. Here are some tips and tricks that will enable you to give off a powerful and compelling image of yourself and be the model candidate for your prospective employer(s). Stand out of the crowd and prove yourself to be worthy of a job in their organization! 1. Acquire Extensive Knowledge about the Company/Industry:  This one requires all would-be employees to do their homework â€" really If you aren’t already familiar with this information, you need to get busy researching all there is to about the about the company and how the industry has affected it over a period of time or vice versa if the company is a large one. The more you know, the better it will be.   You can expect every candidate to do his/her “research” about the company, but you can’t expect them to go above and beyond when it comes to this. To stand out, you need to look into the nooks and crannies that are otherwise not explored by a typical candidate. For example, apart from noting down the history, vision, mission, products, and stakeholders of the company, you can look into the history of the top management and their past accomplishments, including the hiring manager(s). Familiarize yourself with the use of jargon to demonstrate your knowledge of the field. 2. Be Specific about Why You are A Perfect Fit:  The employers are definitely going to throw this question at you. In fact, it is the most important question throughout the interview that needs answering. Hence, your response can greatly affect their choice. It is important to note that employers don’t always ask this question upfront or in those exact words. Your resume, profile, or other material handed in contributes to this question.   The best way to tackle this question is to answer this question yourself, “what type of employee does this organization want in this particular position?” This includes both the job description and the company culture “fit”. Tailor your resume or other documents and to that, you answer this question accordingly. For example, a potential sales representative has to have sound communication and interpersonal skills. A potential hire would want to elaborate more on occasions when the above two characteristics were required. 3. Show Enthusiasm:  Employers are just as excited about hiring enthusiastic candidates as the candidates who are enthusiastic are about being hired. What are some ways candidates show enthusiasm? For one, they are very punctual when it comes to submitting documents, attending calls, and arriving at the interview. They have done plenty of research and demonstrate extensive knowledge about the company and industry during their interview. They also ask questions that discuss the future of the job or position. They may also follow up with a call and thank the interviewers for their time.   Work on your communication skills prior to the interview. The easiest way to illustrate a likable personality is to maintain a positive attitude. Overall, demonstrate a strong passion for the job at hand and appear genuinely excited about being hired. This sort of excitement is obvious to employers and they don’t “overlook” the positive attitude. 4. Be Likeable:  The human psyche is naturally attracted to “likable” people. An employer may consider the candidate’s ability to blend in well with others, and possibly the organizational environment, and use that as a rationale to hire a prospective.   Unfortunately, this isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. The good is however that it can be practiced. A candidate must overcome interview stress to attain a calm and confident composure. Appear positive and happy. Smile often and take interest in what the interviewer is saying. 5. Highlight Relevant Strengths: You are a perfect fit for the job. Great! What’s next? The proof of course! To be “credible” for the job, you need to highlight your strengths. What makes you stand out of the crowd? The best way to highlight your strengths and make them convincing is to present employers with a list of accomplishments.   For example, for a sales representative position, you would want to highlight how you were able to increase sales and profits at any given time, awards or titles you received, and bonuses received from exceptional work. The more concrete your claim(s) using statistics, documents, and evidence the better. 6. Practice, Practice, Practice:  Lastly, the key to being a desirable candidate is to practice prior to the interview. If you have no idea how you sound while delivering your pitch, you need to get busy practicing! Use a digital camera to record your elevator pitch or ask a friend to help and see how you sound. AUTHOR BIO James Thompson is an experienced and passionate writer having diverse expertise in education, career, and technology. He provides Fast Essay Services UK  with his team of dedicated writers for beyond expected results. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer